The Amara Full Face Mask with Headgear features a minimal design providing the CPAP user a lightweight mask. This full face mask offers two sealing options which includes the cushion containing a gel or silicone material.
Both of these options offer a Dual Wall Seal that provides a comfortable and leak-resistant seal. The silicone cushion offers a more traditional seal with the outer silicone layer sealing to the face and the inner seal of the cushion providing support. However, the gel cushion uses the outer seal to conform to the face and the inner gel flap supports and stabilizes the seal.
Additional features of the Amara Full Face Mask include an adjustable forehead support, quiet exhalation ports, and compatibility of cushion replacements.
Choose Cushion Material (Gel or Silicone) and Size Above When Ordering
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What’s in the Box:
- Amara Full Face Mask in Size and Cushion Material selected
- Headgear
Mask Features:
Cushion Material: Silicone or Gel
Replaceable Cushion: Yes
Forehead Support: Yes
Gel Cushion: Optional
Headgear Quick Release Clips: Yes